New Dark Knight Rises Stills, Tom Hardy Says Bane is Intelligible

[REMOVED, at da request o’ dem lawyers.]

ComingSoon uncovered some new promo art for The Dark Knight Rises, and from the looks of it, the Dark Knight won’t be the ONLY thing rising, ifyouknowwhatImean! That’s right, I’m talking about your boner! But seriously, if your female cat is presenting like this, you better hope the male cats in the neighborhood are neutered or else they’ll be fighting and spraying everywhere. I wonder if those giant heels help you run and fight better. I bet they do.

TDKR was also the cover story of the most recent Entertainment Weekly, in which Tom Hardy claims you’ll be able to understand him:

Hardy’s Bane has another defining characteristic that perhaps you’ve heard about, or perhaps have heard and didn’t understand: a curiously accented voice that’s further muffled by the rogue’s high-tech muzzle. “It’s a risk, because we could be laughed at — or it could be very fresh and exciting,” says Hardy, adding that the voice he developed was influenced by many factors, including a desire to honor the comic book character’s brains and Caribbean heritage. “The audience mustn’t be too concerned about the mumbly voice,” says Hardy. “As the film progresses, I think you’ll be able to tune to its setting.” [EW]

Caribbean heritage? This is the first I’ve heard. So not only is he muffled, he’s going to be a white guy with a Jamaican accent too, like Snow? Well licky boom boom down. Via Wiki:

Bane was born in the fictional Caribbean Republic of Santa Prisca, in a prison called Peña Dura (“Hard Rock”). His father Edmund Dorrance had been a revolutionary and had escaped Santa Prisca’s court system. The corrupt government however decreed that his young son would serve out the man’s life sentence, and thus Bane’s childhood and early adult life are spent in the amoral penitentiary environment.

I’m sold. Everything is better with Jamaican accents. EVERYTHING. “Dem bumbaclot preesonarr dun turn me bandulu! Now me gwan make Gottum suffar! ‘ear me now, Gottum! Da bat bwoy no ‘im gwan stop me! Da pussyclot Cat lesbionn neithar! No dem KYAN stop me! BUH! BUH!”
