Whack Ass Wednesday: Chet Haze Drops His Newest Video, 'Do It Better'

When Chet Haze isn’t attending classes on the mean streets of Northwestern University, packin’ da clubs, or telling people that they’re pussies if they’re being bullied, he’s honing his skills as the rap game’s next big MC. Chet – AKA Chester Hanks, AKA Tom Hanks’ son – proudly proclaims on his Twitter account that he’s a self-made man, climbing the ladder in the hip hop world by earning mad respect and being a hard worker. And I agree with him. Because if his name were Chester Zmed, he’d definitely have a single being played on Syrius right now.

Last night, Chet took one more step toward hip hop mogul status with the release of his video for the hella tight single, “Do it Right”, which features the smooth playboy all in up some boo’s lady biz. We post this video not to mock Chet Haze, but to praise him. He is an inspiring force in the entertainment industry, with his daily Twitter affirmations to help make us want to be better people. Let “Do it Better” be your anthem for the rest of this week, as you pursue your dreams.

You know, before you realize your dad isn’t a world famous A-list actor that can’t provide you with any influence through affluence. Good luck!