Adam Sandler to star in suicide comedy ‘Hello Ghost’

According to THR, Adam Sandler’s next movie will be Hello Ghost, a comedy about a guy who keeps trying to kill himself. It’s fitting, because I’ve had to sit through the Grown Ups 2 trailer twice already this week, and that already looks like Adam Sandler’s suicide note.

Adam Sandler is teaming up with Chris Columbus for Hello Ghost, a remake of a Korean supernatural comedy just set up at Universal.

The full movie appears to be online, in case you want to watch that.

Ghost centers on a man who, after attempting to kill himself, is plagued by the arrival of four ghosts. They won’t leave him in peace until he helps them amend their past by granting them one wish.

Karen Croner (Admission) wrote the script for the remake. [THR]

The bright spot in all of this is at least they got a real director, and not one of Sandler’s buddies, like Frank Coraci or Dennis Dugan. And I say that knowing full well that, excepting Harry Potters (which I haven’t seen), Chris Columbus hasn’t directed anything approaching a good movie since 1990. The most fascinating thing about Adam Sandler, and I say this as a guy who  gets misty-eyed about his old comedy albums and still believes that he has an inner reserve of funny buried somewhere beneath the layers of accumulated paychecks and half-assed pandering, is that he can constantly flip off the audience and still come back for encores.

Also, this being a remake of a Korean movie, part of me wishes Adam Sandler would have to do the whole movie stretching his eyes out and doing a ching chong Mickey Rooney accent. Which he might. Only time will tell.

Imagine the balls it takes to think that “chocolate wasted” joke was funny enough to devote an entire flashback to it.

I’ll admit, the original does look delightfully bizarre: