New Trailer Alert: Joaquin Phoenix Wants to Screw His ‘Puter in ‘Her’

Check it out, guys, it’s the latest trailer for Spike Jonze’s new movie, Her, featuring the song “Supersymmetry,” by Arcade Fire! Quick, make a note of this moment, I’ll never be as cool as after typing that sentence. On the serious though, Spike Jonze is one of those rare filmmakers that can do hip and artsy without being awards-baity and lost in the forest of his own ass. He makes Charlie Kaufman-esque art films and then he makes Jackass sketches. That’s why I love Spike Jonze.

Set in Los Angeles, slightly in the future, “her” follows Theodore Twombly, a complex, soulful man who makes his living writing touching, personal letters for other people. Heartbroken after the end of a long relationship, he becomes intrigued with a new, advanced operating system, which promises to be an intuitive entity in its own right, individual to each user. Upon initiating it, he is delighted to meet “Samantha,” a bright, female voice, who is insightful, sensitive and surprisingly funny. As her needs and desires grow, in tandem with his own, their friendship deepens into an eventual love for each other. From the unique perspective of Oscar-nominated filmmaker Spike Jonze comes an original love story that explores the evolving nature—and the risks—of intimacy in the modern world.

Opens December 18th. [official synopsis via Indiewire]

So basically, Scarlett Johansson plays a husky-voiced version of Siri who doesn’t get all weirded out when you try to be her friend.

Oh nice, they quoted Peter Travers. You hardly ever see that guy’s name next to a pull quote.

Anyway, I just hope Joaquin Phoenix gets an Oscar nomination out of this. You love awards shows, right, Joaquin?