If Idris Elba Could Play Any Superhero, He’d Choose Superman

While a lot of people are still wondering if Idris Elba will ever get the chance to suit up as James Bond, the 41-year old British actor told Vanity Fair for this year’s Hollywood Issue that there’s another huge hero role that he’d love to fill if the opportunity ever presents itself. It’s mostly just playful conjecturing and wishful thinking on his part, but Elba told the VF reporter that after he dressed the part for a Halloween party last year, he’d like to give Superman a whirl because the response was so strong.

Who could have ever imagined that the guy who already makes women drool all over themselves dressing up as the manliest of all superheroes could have earned him some compliments? Oh, and if he isn’t already cool enough, Elba’s also a hell of a beatboxer, too.

And here’s the Man of Steel hopeful in the Halloween costume in question:

I believe that translates to “This guy is so much cooler than you will ever be, just look at how constantly cool he is.”

(Banner via Getty, Tweet H/T to Jezebel)