Trailer: Clooney’s family got drama, yo

Fox Searchlight just released the first trailer for The Descendants, starring George Clooney, in the kind of quirky-but-heartfelt, non-traditional family dramedy you’re probably f*cking sick of seeing Fox Searchlight make.  But don’t let me put words in your mouth.  One reason not to dismiss this one as easily is that it’s from director Alexander Payne, of Election, Sideways, About Schmidt and producer of this year’s criminally-underseen Cedar Rapids.  You may recognize his patented “center-framed protagonist running” shot from Broderick in Election, Giamatti (and the naked guy) in Sideways, and probably someone I can’t remember in About Schmidt.  Dear N’Dugu: Do you think this will be any good? Or just good but kind of boring like Win-Win? Write soon. I’ve enclosed some rice.

Anyway, Clooney. He’s got a daughter. They fight. They make up. They come to an understanding. You’ll laugh, you’ll cry, you’ll queef.  Probably in a good way.  It’ll be the best Descendants since Milo Goes to College.

[Opens December, HD trailer at Apple]