Allen Iverson Ain’t Care

When a guy gets pulled over while being a passenger in his own car, that’s interesting. When it’s Allen Iverson, it’s almost an automatic post. Iverson’s 2007 Lamborghini Murcielago was pulled over almost two weeks ago, according to police report recently made public, after the car made a lane change without signaling. The cop on the scene saw that the vehicle’s tags were expired, and called for a tow truck.

You can imagine how well that went over with Iverson.

“Take the vehicle, I have 10 more,” he reportedly told [Officer S.J.] Durham. “Police don’t have anything else [expletive] to do except [expletive] with me. … Do you know who I am?”

For the next 20 minutes, according to the officer, Iverson “went on and on” about who he was.

“I stated to Mr. Iverson, it really doesn’t matter who you are,” Durham wrote. “You tried to conceal your vehicle with a fake drive-out tag due to you not paying for your tags.”

–AJC, via Quickish.

Iverson would later apologize to police. The registration on an ’07 Lamborghini runs about $10,000, which sounds like a lot, until you realize it’s for a Lamborghini. HE’S TOTALLY RICH AND SHOULD HAVE TO PAY HIS FAIR SHARE. At least now Iverson can give some attention to his ten other cars. After all, the best things in life are free, at least until you need a ride somewhere.