Such Games. Much Fun. Somebody Has Successfully Kickstarted A Doggy Gaming Console.

Has taking your canine friend to the doggy spa or dog treat bakery become old hat? Need some new way to treat your pup like a human being? Well, soon you’ll be able to buy them their own gaming console!

CleverPet, which has already blown past its Kickstarter goal of $100,000, is being sold as a gaming machine for dogs. Basically, CleverPet dispenses a treat when your dog pushes a button, then starts presenting your dog with simple “puzzles” to solve. For instance, it may only give your dog a treat when it pushes a specific button or a certain sequence of buttons. Here’s a dog interacting with an early prototype of the CleverPet…

“Many dogs left alone at home are bored and unengaged, which can lead to separation anxiety and costly destructive behaviour. With CleverPet, your dog is busy, engaged, and challenged at her learning level – automatically. A busy dog is a happy dog, and a busy, happy dog has no time for negative behaviour.”

Sounds nice in theory, but most dogs I’ve known would probably be stumped at the “push a button for food” stage and just try to chew the CleverPet open. But hey, I’m sure your genius person-dogs are smarter than my dog was, so you’d better hit the CleverPet Kickstarter page and reserve yours now!

via Eurogamer