Random Bird Chirps Copyrighted, According to YouTube

Watch the video below, and listen closely. Do you hear any music? Any sounds other than a British guy making a kinda-disgusting salad? No?

You’ve got sharper ears than YouTube, and are apparently less of a douche than whoever is in charge of copyright over at Rumblefish, which sells bed music.

Eeplox, the user who filed this video, shot it, posted it, and came back to find that the background supposedly matched some music from Rumblefish. Obviously befuddled, he challenged the takedown, only to discover that Rumblefish had heard the video, decided he’d ripped them off….aaaaaaaaand that was it. He had no recourse.

To be fair, Rumblefish fixed the problem once it spread outside YouTube, and their CEO even went on Reddit to talk about the problem at length.

But it illustrates, just like the JotForm disaster, the problem when systems, private or public, don’t offer the user any form of appeal or recourse. Sure, this problem was fixed. But what about the thousands of others?

(Pic of cats watching birds via About)