Your Mom Wants An iPad For Mother's Day

Mother’s Day is coming, and with it, comes the fact that you have to buy your mom a gift that doesn’t suck. Most of us just call the florist and take the inevitable wallet-raping, but, if you’re feeling motivated, a new study has found you can get your wallet bad-touched and buy Mom something a lot better than dead plant genitals in a vase: an iPad.

The survey, conducted by, showed that smartphones and tablets ranked pretty highly in the desired gifts sweepstakes among moms. Hilariously, they also polled men and discovered that the genders were roughly in accord except on this point: men thought the moms in their life wanted flowers, jewelry, spa days, and candy — while women wanted flowers, jewelry, spa days and a tablet.

You know what? Cheaper than jewelry worth buying, lasts longer than flowers, and it doesn’t give money to hippies: we can see the value of a tablet as a Mother’s Day gift.

Also, show of hands, how many of you had forgotten it was May 13th? See, we’ve got your back.

(Image via Kansas Poety (Patrick) on Flickr)