A Chinese Med Student Died From Masturbating At A Sperm Bank

A Chinese med student Zheng Gang with the probably woefully inaccurate nickname “Gang Bang” died in a sperm bank in the Huazhong University of Science and Technology, where he was working. After Zheng had spent a whopping two hours in a private booth without having sealed the deal, an attendant checked in on him and found him dead.

This happened way back in 2011 and since then, his family attempted to sue the University for £1million, according the UK’s Daily Star — a case which they have now lost.

The tragic death came to light after the young man’s family took the sperm bank – which provides donated sperm for infertility treatment – to court saying that they were responsible for Zheng masturbating himself to death.

But the court ruled that Zheng, 23, who had started studying at the University to become a doctor in 2010, was entirely capable of making his own decisions about his life, including whether he wanted to take part in the sperm bank programme.

Nice try, Gang Bang’s family. I’m not a dude, but from what I know about most dudes and their masturbation habits, if you told a guy that there was a one in twenty chance that they’d drop dead upon completion, most men would shrug their shoulders and be like, “eh,” and then proceed to go to town.

Then again, if anything maybe the clinic should be held accountable for having such sexy magazines:
