New York Movies Map: Name all 91 to win a free poster

After a five month hiatus, Bernie Hou of “Alien Loves Predator” is back with a massive poster depicting Manhattan with 91 movie references that were set around the city. This poster comes with a scavenger hunt, the first reader to contact Hou with the correct 91 references wins a free poster, as well as another random 3 entries.

This took about 5 months of researching and watching a ton of old movies, and about 3 weeks of drawing. The best movies I watched included The Warriors (on the map), Escape from New York (on), and an old one called A Thousand Clowns (not on). The worst movie I watched was Sex and the City, holy godd-mn. A big thanks to the sites On the Set of New York, The Worldwide Guide to Movie Locations, TV Tropes, and Scouting New York for their awesome info, and to my buddies Dean, Stu and Noah for their advice.

Hou fails to mention HOW you should get in touch with him, but here is his Twitter and here is his Facebook page, so just spam those like crazy if you think you can name all the movies and I’m sure you’ll catch his attention.

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