Baby Born With Two Heads In China


A hospital in southwestern China says conjoined twin girls with a single body and two heads have been born at its facility.

A staffer surnamed Wang at Suining City Central Hospital in Sichuan province says the girls were born Thursday.

Wang said Tuesday the parents, who are farmers, did not want to have the babies at first, fearing they could not afford to keep them alive. She said they transferred the twins to a hospital in the nearby metropolis of Chongqing to be examined by experts.

First of all, I learned something here that I don’t think I knew previously: we a define a person by the number of heads on a body. Good to know. In this case, 1 body + 2 heads = 2 people. Got it.

Now about this video of the two-headed baby…

Or wait, is it “babies?” “Two-headed babies” makes no sense though. Damn this is so confusing!

Anyway, the video clip below of the baby(s) is one of the freakiest and sad things I’ve ever seen. Like, I feel my dreams will be haunted forever. This poor thing(s). Oh my, oh my, oh my.

Stop and think before you press play on this, okay. Remember, YOU CANNOT UNSEE THIS! You have been warned, people.
