Bernie Sanders Insists He’s Not Supporting Hillary Clinton As A ‘Lesser Of Two Evils’

Bernie Sanders appeared on Good Morning America Wednesday to discuss his recent Hillary Clinton endorsement. Many of Sanders’ supporters were not very happy with his support of Clinton, even threatening to stage a “fart-in” at the Democratic National Convention.

George Stephanopoulos grilled Sanders over those Bern supporters who feel betrayed. Sanders acknowledged as much, but he believes that it’s “absolutely imperative” for Democrats to band together and prevent Trump from becoming president. He pays lip service to Trump’s temperament not exactly being ideal for hanging onto nuclear codes. In fact, Sanders seemed so intent on avoiding a Trump presidency that Stephanopoulos pressed on. “So it’s about the lesser of two evils?” Sanders shot the idea down:

“No it’s not about the lesser of two evils. If you look issue by issue, we have Hillary Clinton who wants to significantly raise the minimum wage. We have millions of people in this country working for starvation wages. Donald Trump wants to allow states to have the right to do away with the concept of the minimum wage. People are gonna be working for five bucks an hour. Hillary Clinton wants to expand healthcare. Hillary Clinton wants to make public colleges and universities tuition free for all families in this country making $125,000 or less. Trump wants to end the affordable care act and throw 20 million people off of health insurance. Trump does not even believe what the entire scientific community is telling us about climate change and the need to transform our energy systems.”

When asked whether he would be open to running on the ticket with Hillary Clinton, Sanders said he’s not thinking about that right now. He’s also doubtful the possibility will arise. Right now, the Bern considers it his “job” to help Clinton become president and assist her in molding a platform that addresses the plight of working families.

Sanders went on to say he was very proud that this year’s Democratic platform is “the most progressive platform in the history of the Democratic party” — a development that in many ways can be attributed to the groundswell of support for his campaign.