A Clinton Super PAC Zeroes In On Donald Trump’s Temperament In A Brutal Ad

In a new ad, aptly titled “Temperament,” pro-Hillary Clinton super PAC pokes holes in Trump’s debate claim that he as a “winning temperament.”

While the rest of us were tucked into bed having nightmares about the Republican presidential candidate’s debate performance, Priorities USA was compiling what amounts to a greatest hits compilation of Trump losing his cool while speaking to rallies full of his supporters. The ad was completed and sent to journalists in the middle of the night Monday.

The ad opens with one of Trump’s bizarre statements from Monday night’s debate: “I think my strongest asset, maybe by far, is my temperament.” Then, cutting to scene after scene in which the real estate tycoon’s temperament appears less-than-presidential, the PAC uses his own words to discredit his outlandish claim.

“I’d like to punch him in the face, I’ll tell ya.”

“I would bomb the sh*t out of them.”

“I could stand in the middle of 5th Avenue and shoot somebody, and I wouldn’t lose any voters, okay?”

“And you can tell them to go f*ck themselves!”

“Get ’em outta here! Get ’em outta here! Get the hell outta here!”

At the end of the 30-second spot, a black screen appears. “DONALD TRUMP,” it reads, “UNFIT TO BE PRESIDENT.”

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