Some Trump Rally Attendees Were Ejected For Silently Holding Pocket Constitutions In The Air

On Thursday, protestors were ejected from a Donald Trump rally in Portland, Maine for silently holding up pocket Constitutions during his remarks. As the dozen or so individuals were ushered out of the audience, they were met by loud boos and, ironically, a “U-S-A!” chant. Trump paused his speech when he saw the Constitutions in the air, waving his hand and saying, “Do whatever you want.”

The pocket Constitutions were in reference to Khizr Khan, the Muslim-American father of a fallen U.S. Army Commander who spoke out against Trump at the Democratic National Convention. With his wife at his side, Khan asked the Republican presidential nominee, “Donald Trump, you’re asking American’s to trust you with their future — let me ask you, have you even read the United States Constitution?” Khan pulled out his own pocket Constitution. “I will gladly lend you my copy.” In the days since Khan’s speech, he and his wife have traded barbs with Trump through the press; Trump’s perceived disrespect of a Gold Star family has been a topic of some controversy among Republicans, whose national and individual platforms often prioritize the treatment of veterans and their families.

Demand for pocket Constitutions rose dramatically after the Khans appeared at the DNC. At, the 52-page booklet shot up to No. 2 on the best-seller list, topped only by the new Harry Potter book.

Here’s a close-up Vine clip of the protesters leaving the building.