Donald Trump Felt ‘Love’ While Meeting With Black Pastors And Expects ‘Many Endorsements’

On Sunday, the Donald Trump talked up his no-press meeting with black pastors, which he used as a means to drop names and hint at endorsements. This would be a fine strategy for a candidate seeking to boost his falling approval rating after his unsavory treatment of a Black Lives Matter protester, who was “roughed up” by Trump supporters at an Alabama rally. The main problem with Trump’s strategy is that some of the name-dropped pastors publicly denied plans to attend or endorse Trump.

Somehow, Trump still pulled off a meeting (at Trump Tower, natch) with several African-American pastors on Monday. The press wasn’t officially invited, but Trump spoke after the fact to let the world know the meeting was a raging success. In the above CNN video, Trump raved about his “many, many endorsements” on the way:

“I saw love in that room. I see love everywhere I go … This meeting was amazing. Amazing people … The meeting went so much longer, and it went longer only because of the love. It didn’t go longer for other reasons … We actually didn’t think we were going to be having a press conference. But it was such a good meeting, we thought we would do that, and we had many, many endorsements coming out of the meeting.”

Well, we shall see what happens. The media isn’t buying Trump’s account of events, which was artfully illustrated by The New York Times titling their write up with the words “‘love’ and disbelief.”

One thing that truly did go down was a Twitter fight between Trump and Chrissy Teigen. As her followers know, Teigen seldom loses a Twitter battle, and she got the last word.

As far as those prospective endorsements go, Bishop Paul S. Martin of the Full Gospel Baptist Church Fellowship feels differently about Trump. Martin told CNN, “the insults, the degrading, that’s not what we’re all about. He also labeled Trump as “a bully in the 21st century.”

(Via CNN & New York Times)