The FBI Is Investigating A Possible Russian Hack Of New York Times Reporters

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The FBI is investigating a cybersecurity breach of the New York Times and other U.S. news outlets by hackers thought to be working for Russian intelligence organizations. According to CNN, investigators suspect “Russian intelligence is likely behind the attacks and that Russian hackers are targeting news organizations as part of a broader series of hacks that also have focused on Democratic Party organizations.” The FBI and the Times declined to confirm the attacks or subsequent investigation.

“Like most news organizations, we are vigilant about guarding against attempts to hack into our systems,” New York Times spokesperson Eileen Murphy said in a statement. “There are a variety of approaches we take up to and including working with outside investigators and law enforcement. We won’t comment on any specific attempt to gain unauthorized access to The Times.”

There is already ample evidence connecting the Russian government to widespread cyber attacks targeting the DNC, DCCC, and Hillary Clinton campaign. Authorities are concerned that the Kremlin may be attempting to meddle in the U.S. election and help propel Donald Trump to victory. Trump’s relationship with Russian president Vladimir Putin has raised eyebrows since before the real estate tycoon clinched the Republican presidential nomination. Trump has said that he does and does not have a relationship with Putin at different times over the last few years.

(Via CNN)