A Fox News Host Is Receiving Death Threats After Criticizing Trump’s Response To Charlottesville

President Trump recently doubled down on his “both sides” Charlottesville comments, which wasn’t surprising as far as subject matter goes, but the Gen. Kelly era of the White House had seen a slightly gentler brand of rhetoric. Yet Trump made it clear that he didn’t really blame Nazis and white supremacists for Charlottesville violence and, in fact, he supports them. It was his similar initial response that inspired Eboni K. Williams, co-host of Fox News’ The Specialists, to call out Trump for refusing to denounce his extremist supporters during Monday’s “Eboni’s Docket” segment. For her trouble, she received nearly 150 negative emails, including some death threats.

Williams — who is registered as an Independent but voted for Obama (who she has criticized on multiple occasions) — told Variety how, among other things, some viewers wrote that “I should meet my maker soon, I shouldn’t be allowed to walk the streets of New York.” They also referenced how she resides in Harlem while adding, “Harlem needs to watch out.” Fox News is now providing her with extra security, and she reiterated her “Docket” segment’s disgust relating to her belief that Trump wields the power to curb his followers’ extremism but chooses not to do so:

“I truly believe what he said, that he could shoot someone on Fifth Avenue and they will stand by him,” she said. “So I think that empowers him to actually forcefully reject and speak directly to the fears and the anger that’s driving this level of violence and white supremacy and Nazism, I think he can actually speak it down in an aggressive way and they will still support him.”

Williams also told Variety that it’s “irresponsible” to blame counterprotesters for being even slightly responsible for the actions of one white supremacist who chose to drive into a crowd, murdering Heather Hayer and injuring dozens more people. She says that the vast majority of the threats that she’s receiving do not share her view and, like Trump, their senders feel that both sides are responsible for the violence in Charlottesville. With that being the case, Williams makes a fair point about Trump’s ability to lead by example with his supporters … and his refusal to do so.

(Via Variety)