Fox News Accidentally Aired Unflattering Poll Results At The Wrong Point Of A Show

On Sunday, Fox News media analyst Howard Kurtz was having a chat with Republican strategist and pollster Frank Luntz about how President Trump’s excessive Twitter habits tend to undermine his own agenda. His argument was plainly that instead of reporting on the economy and jobs and whatever else, the media focuses on whatever Trump tweets out.

Luntz claimed that if Trump would stop tweeting about 30 percent of what he tweets that the media would take him more seriously, as opposed to tweeting about “fake news” all the time.

“Speaking of fake news,” Kurtz continued. “There is a new poll out from Monmouth University: ‘Do the media report fake news regularly or occasionally?’ 77 percent say yes,” he continued. The only problem is that the poll that made its way on screen was not the one he was referring to, but the one that ranked the major cable news outlets by trustworthiness, with Fox News coming in dead last at 30 percent.

“That is not the graphic we are looking for — hold off,” Kurtz interjected. “Take that down, please!”

Shortly after, Kurtz brought the first poll back up to discuss, but the gaffe led many to speculate whether or not he had meant to feature it at all, considering that it didn’t put his own network in the best light. (UPDATE: The Associated Press now reports that the graphic was intended to be shown, but “the graphic was taken down because it was used during the wrong segment, and was used again on the show.”)

After the airing, the Fox News host has clapped back on those rumors in a lengthy Facebook post and on Twitter.

(Via Raw Story)