Rudy Giuliani: John McCain Only Criticized Trump To Boost His Poll Numbers

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Some prominent GOP members’ refusal to wholeheartedly support Donald Trump’s every antic may come back to haunt them. Trump has already taken aim at Paul Ryan by making nice with his primary opponent on Twitter. Now the real estate mogul has gone on record to say that he has not officially endorsed John McCain for his Senate reelection campaign. And Rudy Giuliani has interpreted this interplay for the voting public’s enjoyment.

Naturally, this is no normal election season, as the usual automatic party backing has disappeared, and backstabbing is a common occurrence. McCain is even feeling heat from former allies. He is currently in a three-way Republican race for his Senate seat, and he could use all the help he can get. And he was quick to speak out against Trump and his remarks concerning Khizr Khan. In the past, Trump has shot disparaging remarks at McCain, including how he he was weak and questioned his commitments to veterans:

“I’ve never been there with John McCain because I’ve always felt that he should have done a much better job for the vets. He has not done a good job for the vets and I’ve always felt that he should have done a much better job for the vets. So I’ve always had a difficult time with John for that reason, because our vets are not being treated properly. They’re not being treated fairly.”

What exactly McCain hasn’t done for veterans is still up in the air, but McCain has not been taking this lightly. Some applauded him for standing up to Trump, but others thought it was a cheap ploy to save his reelection. Rudy Giuliani, who is no stranger to grabbing attention lately, gave McCain a backhanded compliment and then said he only dissed Trump to help his poll numbers:

“There is nobody who admires John McCain more and wants him to be re elected more, than me. But I think you’re hearing a guy who’s worried about whether he can be re elected in Arizona. “John wouldn’t be saying this if he were running two years from now. He’d just keep his mouth shut.”

The usual political decorum we see during this time is out the window for the Republican party. Things could get ugly quickly, and the GOP could be looking a whole lot different come November.

(Via The Washington Post & The Hill)