Fox News Anchor Gretchen Carlson Comes Out In Favor Of An Assault Rifle Ban

Well, this is a shock. After much more liberal politicians and celebrities have come out against the easy accessibility of assault rifles this week, the last person we would expect to see agree with that opinion is a Fox News anchor. Fox News, the oft defender of the NRA and the second amendment, rarely if ever sides with common sense when it comes to gun control arguments or calls for congress to take action after mass shootings occur.

On Tuesday though, Fox News anchor Gretchen Carlson spoke out about the easy availability of assault rifles in the United States and her agreement that they should be banned. She didn’t go all the way in agreeing that openly carrying guns around in this country might not be completely necessary, but it was still a strong statement from a conservative news network that rarely has anyone go against the Republican grain in this way. Gretchen’s comments echo those of so many activists and leaders this week.

“Yes, the Orlando massacre was terror. But there’s no doubt that Omar Mateen was able to kill so many people because he was firing an AR-15, a military-style assault weapon.”

That, at least, we should all be able to agree with. She continued on with specific points about the differences between possessing an AR-15 and standard access to a handgun or smaller weapon.

“Do we need AR-15’s to hunt and kill deer? Do we need them to protect our families? Yes, I’m in favor of people to be able to carry. I think some of these mass shootings would have been less deadly if that were the case. But I’m also with the majority, taking a stand. Can’t we hold true the sanctity of the second amendment, while still having common sense?”

Unsurprisingly, the Fox News audience adamantly disagreed with her when surveyed about said opinion with almost 90% of people against the prospect of banning assault rifles. Carlson then asks the audience to tweet their opinions about gun control at her, which honestly is just asking for the worst possible mentions tab in the world. Best of luck with that venture, Gretch.

(via Fox News)