Hillary Clinton Whips Off The Gloves And Accuses Bernie Sanders Of An ‘Artful Smear’

Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders went in hard on each other at Thursday evening’s MSNBC debate. After the sketchy Iowa caucus results, these two were bound to clash after third wheel Martin O’Malley stepped away from the race. Boy, did they ever release some pent up energy.

It just so happens that Clinton isn’t thrilled with Sanders’ ongoing accusations about her Wall Street connections. Not at all. In this clip, Clinton accuses Sanders of an “artful smear.” Sanders appeared surprised by her attack, and it’s no wonder, for Clinton absolutely unloaded:

“I think it’s time to end the artful smear that you and your campaign have been carrying out in recent weeks, and let’s talk about the issues … I don’t think these attacks by insinuation are worthy of you … Enough is enough. If you’ve got something to say, say it directly. You will not find that I ever changed a view or a vote because of any donation that I ever received.”

The two democratic candidates then engaged in a genuine shouting match with both trying to drown out the other. Things are getting ugly, folks.

Twitter enjoyed the heck out of this moment. Finally, a reeeeeal debate.


