Brexit Instigator Nigel Farage Steps Down And Causes An Uproar

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In the wake of the Brexit referendum, the United Kingdom has been enduring a righteous mess with no clear vision from the pro-Leave politicians who began the initiative. The United States would ideally see the catastrophe as a call to action. Yet when the presumptive Republican nominee doesn’t even know what happened in the United Kingdom, and folks are clamoring for a Texit, optimism may be hard to locate.

Across the pond, the very leaders who pushed the Leave campaign are fleeing with a resounding “Bye!” Boris Johnson withdrew his candidacy for Prime Minister (after David Cameron’s departure), which caused an already chaotic situation to head into a tailspin. Angry citizens flocked to social media, including the Scottish and incensed Ewan McGregor, who tweeted, “You spineless c$&t. You lead this ludicrous campaign to leave EU. Win, and now fuc& off to let someone else clear up your mess.”

Who will be Prime Minister? Right now, pro-Brexit energy minister Andrea Leadsom takes the polling lead. So, she’s the most likely politician to trigger Article 50 and begin the official exit from the European Union. But another bit of shocking news has arrived, for U.K. Independence Party (UKIP) leader Nigel Farage has just left the building. He wasn’t in the running for prime minister, but his departure after helping to instigate Brexit seems to be a dreadful move. Farage came under fire the morning after the Brexit vote when he admitted how pivotal propaganda promises were “a mistake.”

On Monday morning, he announced his resignation at a press conference. Farage said he’d “done his bit,” and “during the referendum, I said I wanted my country back … now I want my life back.” To which the UKIP’s only member of Parliament, Douglas Carswell, tweeted literal shade.

Meanwhile, Edgar Wright simply cannot wait to learn what McGregor thinks of this latest post-Brexit development.

McGregor hasn’t spoken yet, but Charlotte Church has an opinion.

And the hot takes continued with a few choice gems to follow.

Brits received this latest instance of bad news about their impending independence on the United States’ Independence Day. Tonight’s firecrackers won’t look nearly as sweet with the globe sitting in financial shambles.