A Police Officer’s Wife Staged A Robbery Of Her Home And Tried To Blame Black Lives Matter

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Between the need for police accountability and protests over ice cream flavors, the Black Lives Matter protest movement and its proponents face a difficult enough time as it is getting the public the emphasize the former. Yet silly things like the latter keep cropping up, thereby rendering an otherwise serious discussion point moot when general audiences hear about things like new Ben & Jerry’s flavors and “Clown Lives Matter” protests. Then again, the most heinous attacks against BLM’s efforts to reform American policing often have nothing to do with silly matters such as these.

Consider what happened in Millbury, Massachusetts on October 17, when the wife of a local police officer staged a robbery in her home and blamed the non-event on the BLM. According to CBS Boston, that’s precisely what Maria Daly did when she reported a burglary, cited missing jewelry and other valuable items, then pointed to “BLM” graffiti spray-painted all over the crime scene. Too bad none of it actually happened:

“Something wasn’t quite right,” said [Millbury Police Chief Donald] Desorcy. “I think that was pretty obvious and as a result of that investigation, the officers did their due diligence and followed through with the investigation that we had.”

“Basically we came to the conclusion that it was all fabricated,” said Desorcy. “There was no intruder, there was no burglary.”

Per the report, Mrs. Daly posted about the matter on social media after filing the police report to generate sympathy. However, after the department’s investigation found her culpable for lying and exonerated her husband, Officer Daniel Daly, the town of Millbury quickly changed its tune. “I don’t know why you’d do that, if you’re gonna stage a robbery,” a neighbor told CBS Boston. “I mean really come on, you’re a cop’s wife. You should know better.”

Ice cream and clowns notwithstanding, what happened in Massachusetts proves cops can be accountable for the misinformed actions of their own and those associated with them. Even when such a prevalent animosity as the one between police departments and the BLM exists.

(Via CBS Boston)

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