Samantha Bee Congratulates Indiana For Getting Rid Of Mike Pence

Samantha Bee isn’t in Cleveland just yet, but Monday’s Full Frontal was a nice introduction to what we can expect when the show hits the RNC on Wednesday. Plenty of discussion with the people who will inhabit the debate floor seems to be on the menu, but we should also expect a fair amount of brutal comedy aimed at Trump, Mike Pence, and anybody else who dares make a fool of themselves on the stage. Not hard to do depending on your definition of fool.

For tonight, Bee went back to cover the build up to Mike Pence’s revelation as vice president. It also gave us a chance to look at who Pence is and why he might be the best worst choice that the Trump campaign could make. And the true winners with this decision are the people of Indiana — at least according to Bee. She gives out the laundry list of things he’s managed to get by during his time as governor.

Elsewhere in the show, we get a segment where the show visits the Western Conservative Summit in Colorado to meet with folks who support Trump and only love him more for picking Mike Pence. Folks like this kid right here:

That’s not some sort of character from an ’80s sitcom, that’s a real child with real parents and they’re all supporting Trump. If we elected a Muslim president, why can’t we elect Donald Trump?