The Internet Is Ridiculing Trump Surrogate Scottie Nell Hughes Over Her ‘Mazel Tov Cocktails’ Flub

Beyonce and Jay Z took the stage at a concert in Cleveland in support of Hillary Clinton last Friday, and suffice to say, Donald Trump was not happy about it. At a rally in Hershey the following day, the Republican candidate ranted about the Jay Z’s language during the concert, because he is obviously one to talk. Trump told the crowd, “I was thinking, maybe I’ll just try, should I use that language? Can you imagine if I said that? He used every word in the book last night.”

Because this election cycle is, if nothing else, a snake consuming itself, Trump’s remarks about the concert were still the hot topic of conversation during a panel discussion on CNN late Sunday night. After replaying the clip from Saturday’s rally, the panelist in the red (probably very correctly) notes that Jay Z’s lyrics are not that really bothers Trump, claiming “What he’s really bothered about is Jay Z coming out onto that stage, Beyonce coming out onto that stage, and saying that their vote is with her, because they can’t be with him. They cannot support a Donald Trump presidency, and that damaged his very fragile ego.”

Trump surrogate Scottie Nell Hughes was quick to jump in and dispute the idea, saying that as an evangelical Christian (which Trump is not, by the way) she believed that he was more bothered by “multiple uses of the ‘MF word’ that night, and the ‘N word’ that was used.” She continued, “And I think also when you look at Jay Z, one of his main videos starts off with a crowd throwing mazel tov cocktails at the police.”

Dom Lemon was quick to correct Hughes, but it was painfully too late. By Monday morning “mazel tov” was trending on Twitter for a very good reason, as people piled on to ridicule the flub.

After this election, we’re all going to need a mazel tov cocktail.