The Trump Transition Wants To Know Which Energy Department Employees Worked On Climate Change Policy

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President-elect Donald Trump’s administration reportedly want to weed out those who worked on President Barack Obama’s climate change policies. The revelation comes after a leaked 74-point questionnaire from Trump’s Energy Department transition team asked participants to name employees and contractors who worked on an international climate pact, as well as domestic efforts to cut down on greenhouse emissions.

One of Trump’s most popular promises during the campaign was to “drain the swamp” and rid Washington D.C. of any excess fat. So it comes as no surprise keeping this promise would mean eliminating what his administration views as unnecessary bureaucratic jobs. Yet the way in which the team is allegedly going about it is raising a few eyebrows — specifically the reported Energy Department questionnaire entries related to climate change policy, as first reported by Bloomberg.

What’s more, they may be looking to cut complete programs out of the department, as one question literally asks: “Which programs within DOE are essential to meeting the goals of President Obama’s Climate Action Plan.?” The implications of these questions seems rather obvious, especially since one Energy Department official described the information being requested as “intrusive” to the Washington Post. As a result, current department employees have turned over the questionnaire to their legal counsel for review.

Climate change policies and research may take a hit during Trump’s administration. After all, his pick to head the Environmental Protection Agency is a proponent of the energy industry who is currently suing the EPA. Sp if Leonardo DiCaprio’s charm doesn’t work, President Obama’s efforts to curb the effects of climate change during his eight years in office may become null.

(Via Bloomberg and Washington Post)