‘The Final Member’ Details One Icelandic Man’s Quest To Obtain A Human Penis For His Museum

Icelander Siggi Hjartson is the founder and curator of one of Iceland’s top tourist attractions, the Iceland Phallological Museum, which ranks just behind the Narwhal Racetrack and Reykjavik Shark Distillery in most Lonely Planet guides to Iceland. But while Hjartson has specimens of an incredible variety of the animal kingdom’s penises, he’s still lacking that one thing that would truly make his museum complete, the thing that your mom loves more than anything in the world: a human penis.

In The Final Member, from Drafthouse Films, directors Jonah Bekhor and Zach Math chronicle Siggi’s quest to complete his penis museum, which turns out to be more difficult than anyone could’ve imagined. Finding a penis is easy, just ask your mom. The problem is, everyone wants to be first. Look, man, just be happy your penis is there now. One American would-be donor was so dead set on being number one, in fact, that he wants to have his penis, which he’s named “Elmo,” cut off and preserved while he’s still alive (pictured below). Which of course is a very specific fetish.

The Final Member opens in theaters and VOD April 18th.