Bill & Ted sequel is definitely happening probably.

(this story was a great excuse to re-post our idea for Bill & Ted’s Excellent Inception)

So Keanu Reeves is back talking Bill & Ted’s sequels again.  We first heard about it (again, from Keanu) in

“I believe the writers are six weeks away from a draft,” Reeves told MTV News during an interview today to promote “Henry’s Crime,” his upcoming movie co-starring Vera Farmiga.

He speaks of course of original writers Chris Matheson and Ed Solomon, who, after Bill & Ted, would go on to pen such classics as Imagine That, and Mr. Wrong, starring Bill Pullman and Ellen Degeneres. By the way, if history is any guide, we’re always six weeks or less from a finished script from them.

Then Reeves opened up considerably, revealing that the plot ties directly into the ending of “Bogus Journey,” when Bill and Ted’s Wyld Stallyns became the best band in the universe.
“When we last got together, part of it was that Bill and Ted were supposed to have written the song that saved the world, and it hasn’t happened,” he said. “So they’ve now become kind of possessed by trying to do that. Then there’s an element of time and they have to go back.” [via MTV News]

Whoa, whoa, whoa, the plot involves time travel?  How about a “SPOILER ALERT?”  Anyway, it doesn’t sound like there’s a studio involved yet, and I wouldn’t get your hopes up (hopes, expectations, whatever) until that happens. Either way, the important thing is that Alex Winter already has a real job and isn’t dead from drugs like Corey Haim or out killing joggers for their meat like DJ Jazzy Jeff, or Lights Camera Jackson.