Funky Supercut: Dancing in Movies

It doesn’t get any better than the pretending-to-be-strangers-but-whispering-secret-plans dance.

Put a little bump in your midweek slump via Sploid.

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Sofia Coppola is in talks to direct a ‘Little Mermaid’ movie |FilmDrunk|

Sorry Chet Haze, but this rap ode to Tom Hanks proves that he’s the O.G. of the family |UPROXX|

The best fails of the week |UPROXX Video|

Lena Dunham offered up some interesting opinions about Woody Allen’s work |Warming Glow|

Here’s an Italian baseball team’s blackface tribute to ‘Major League.’ No, you read that correctly. |With Leather|

Scarlett Johansson picked up random dudes in her van to film ‘Under the Skin’ |Gamma Squad|

Jim Irsay’s arrest wasn’t a wake up call, it was just stupid |Kissing Suzy Kolber|

Watch 30 for 30’s ‘Untucked’ and learn about the evolution of the basketball jersey |Smoking Section|

100 serial rapists identified after Detroit crime lab finally gets to untested rape kit backlog |death&taxes|

Colorado Governor: No economic damage from pot legalization |BuzzFeed|

Anderson Cooper tells Seth Meyers that he used to think Meyers was gay |Pajiba|

Malaysia Flight 370 just got Occam’s Razor’d |The Superficial|

Miley Cyrus’ tour bus basically exploded |IDLYITW|

6 things you didn’t know about advertising |BroBible|

Colorado Rockies planning on selling pot brownies at games this year |Guyism|

Dog isn’t allowed on bed, camera catches him in full rebellion |The Chive|

Adam Levine’s tattoos |Ranker|