Ryan Reynolds’ Green Lantern ring will jizz green fog on you

DC just released three new images of Ryan Reynolds in his Green Lantern costume (or, more accurately, two-thirds of Ryan Reynolds’ face grafted onto some Green Lantern CGI).  Lantern opens June 17th (latest trailer after the jump), starring such-a-sweet-boy Reynolds, Blake Lively, Peter Sarsgaaaaåaååøøård, Mark Strong, and Tim Robbins, with direction by Martin Campbell. 

The suit looks… uh… good?  I guess?  I like all the people involved in this, and I’m trying not to be unnecessarily dismissive, but if I’m being honest, I can think of at least 10 things I give more of a sh-t about than this movie, and nine of them involve possible lunch food. OOH HELP US, RYAN REYNOLDS, SAVE THE UNIVERSE WITH YOUR GREEN JIZZ-FOG RING!

[OliverWillis via LatinoReview]