Even Christian Fundamentalists Can’t Hate Minecraft, Though They Desperately Want To

In a move that we’re sure has disappointed Redditors who want to pick religious fights across the world, Minecraft has been discovered by fundamentalist Christians, and even they can’t find anything awful or Satanic about it. At least until they find that Lord of the Rings mod.

On the other hand, apparently Pokemon is still Satanic, and they’re named after “Oriental demons.” Also, Guitar Hero is evil. So there’s that.

But really, the best part of this video from, no kidding, Watchmen Entertainment, is when they get into “Minecraft,” where the old guy who apparently is some sort of self-proclaimed expert on video games (we’re assuming he dared to play “Asteroids” once or something) struggles desperately to come up with something bad to say about the Internet’s favorite digital Lego/roleplaying game and ultimately winds up complaining that it’s too entertaining and kids might not read their Bibles as much.

The best laugh you’ll have all day under the jump.

[ kudos to Kotaku for finding this gem ]