‘Deadpool’ Creator Rob Liefeld Is Already Making Comparisons To ‘Guardians Of The Galaxy’ And ‘Iron Man’

As you can tell from his recent Instagram post, Deadpool creator Rob Liefeld is really pleased with how the movie is coming about. In fact, Liefeld is already placing Deadpool in the same category as Guardians of the Galaxy:

This Deadpool film will establish Deadpool on a global scale. In addition to being brilliantly raucous, crazy, violent, and action packed, the Deadpool film has tremendous heart and soul. Prepare for an experience that you haven’t encountered yet. It’s new template in the way that Guardians of the Galaxy established a new tone for the franchise. Deadpool will do the same. (via)

Liefeld also believes Ryan Reynolds will become synonymous with the character of Wade Wilson much like Robert Downey Jr. has with his performance as Tony Stark in the Iron Man and Avengers movies:

In the same manner that Robert Downey Jr. co-opted Tony Stark/Iron Man and now seems to “own” him in that way that you can’t imagine Iron Man without him, that’s what will happen with Ryan Reynolds and Deadpool. The Tony Stark I grew up with wasn’t as snappy and as quippy as Downey Jr. made him, but now I only think of his performance. That is what is going to happen here with Ryan and Deadpool. You can see it happening already. It’s a complete ownership of a role that we are all going to rally around. (via)

These are bold words indeed, but something tells me Ryan Reynolds was born to be the Merc with a Mouth. We’ll have to wait and see. Deadpool will hit theaters on February 12, 2016.

(Source: ComicBook.com / Variety)