An Asgard-Load Of New Thor Trailers And Clips

Marvel and Kenneth Branagh’s Thor is already out in several countries except the U.S., so we’ll just have to settle for watching these clips while dipping unhealthy foods into other unhealthy foods and then frying them on a stick (Advantage: USA).  The movie opens here on May 6th and has been getting good reviews overseas so far, but we’re waiting for someone with a Boston accent and at least 100 excess pounds to tell us if it’s wicked awesome or not.  We have refined tastes.

The first video after the jump is a two and a half minute English-language Japanese trailer with a lot of different footage than the previous trailers.  The second video is a short clip with a voice-over by Laufey, king of the Frost Giants (future spokesman for 7-11 Slushies? *fingers crossed*).  The third video is from Jaimie Alexander’s interview on Jimmy Kimmel (the new clip is right at the beginning).  The last video is a featurette about Natalie Portman’s character with a disappointing lack of sex scenes from Black Swan.

[Sources: SuperheroHype, CBM, /film, FirstShowing, CBM]