What’s After ‘Netflix And Chill?’ This MAD Exclusive Shows Us

“Netflix and chill” went from slang term to one with its own anthem, hotel room, and horrible minor league baseball team misunderstandings with shocking rapidity. The idea of watching Frasier in somebody’s house as the key to getting into their pants is an endlessly fascinating one. But, MAD decided to ask in this exclusive reveal, what comes next? Can technology walk us through any other steps in our relationships? Turns out, it can!

As for that cover, well, Alfred E. Neuman has finally discovered emoji:

We’re not really sure Blue Apron is the best way to find a meal to reconcile with your wife after she left you over infidelity. There are some things a za’atar spiced chicken burger with oven friends and roasted garlic chips just can’t make right. For that you really need to do some hacks, maybe bring in the salad from one meal, and finally using that Naked Wine voucher they keep including wouldn’t hurt either.

If you’re curious to see what else MAD has in store, beyond Alfred discovering the poop emoji, check out MAD Magazine #541 (yes, the usual gang of idiots have somehow been allowed to publish that long), out digitally August 5 and on newsstands August 9. Or if you want to keep Alfred’s data plan filled up, subscribe.