Horror Comes Home: Capcom Is Finally Remaking The Classic ‘Resident Evil 2’

Way back in the early-2000s, Capcom remade the original Playstation Resident Evil for the Nintendo Gamecube, and the results were really, really good — so good that Capcom re-released the remake earlier this year with only very minor alterations. Ever since that remake, Resident Evil fans have been clamoring for Capcom to continue on and remake Resident Evil 2, and for 13 years, Capcom has ignored them.

Well, Capcom has finally come around. The HD re-release of the Resident Evil Remake must have done pretty well, because Capcom has announced they’re remaking Resident Evil 2 (via a charmingly dorky Engrish T-shirt, no less).

This will be a full, from the ground up, remake, not just an HD remastering, so it will be some time before we get our hands on our spiffy, polished up Resident Evil 2. There’s also no word on whether the game will use pre-rendered backgrounds and “classic” controls like the Resident Evil Remake, or if it will modernize things further.

So yeah, between this and the Final Fantasy VII remake, we’re going to get to relive a lot of Playstation Era memories over the next couple years. Really, all we need is a Metal Gear Solid remake from Konami, and us old-timers can retreat into our nostalgia bubbles for good.

(Via Kotaku)