Watch Your Back Ouya! GameStick Has A Scary New Friend Named GameStop.

Hey, the Ouya is almost here! Hmmm, but what about that other funded-on-Kickstarter, Android-game-playing mini-console, the GameStick?

So far GameStick’s been a bit of an underdog (it raised a mere 700 thousand dollars on Kickstarter compared to Ouya’s 8 million) but perhaps not anymore — GameStick has landed an investment from video game industry heavyweight GameStop. So yeah, Ouya may own the hearts of the hardcore, but it’s going to be GameStick sitting in every GameStop in America snagging buyers with its appealing $79 price tag.

I’ll admit, I kind of dig the “Android on a stick” concept. Playing portable Android games tethered to my TV doesn’t sound terribly exciting to me, but the super portability of the GameStick makes the concept marginally more interesting.

via Joystiq