5 essential movies about telekinesis

I loooove telekinesis movies. Love them! Ever since I witnessed Carrie's horrifying night at the prom, I was hooked. And while no film in the “telekinesis” sub-genre (?) has had quite the same effect on me, there are still a number of other worthy titles that feature characters who can move things simply with the power of their minds. In the video below, you can catch my rundown of five lesser-known/well-regarded telekinesis movies that are worth checking out.

Check out these previous entries in HitFix”s Watchlist series:
The Watchlist #1: Submarine movies – by Richard Rushfield

The Watchlist #2: Funniest TV shows about women with serious problems – by Louis Virtel

The Watchlist #3: TV one-season wonders – by Alan Sepinwall
The Watchlist #4: Mistaken Identity Movies – by Emily Rome