‘Black Panther’ Is Beating Even ‘Captain America: Civil War’ In Advance Ticket Sales


Black Panther has always been practically guaranteed to be a hit. Its love of the comics, while also being a specific vision from the creative team right down to Chadwick Boseman’s accent, stands out even among Marvel movies. But just how big of a hit will it be? According to early ticket data, a substantial one.

Deadline reports that as of tickets going on sale Monday, Black Panther is selling admissions at a rate unheard of even for Marvel movies, let alone a movie debuting on President’s Day weekend:

After tickets went on sale Monday night, Black Panther is already outstripping Captain America: Civil War as Fandango’s best-selling MCU title in the first 24 hours of presales. Captain America: Civil War kicked off the opening of summer 2016 during the first weekend of May with $179M.

Deadline is quick to point out that advance ticket sales don’t necessarily reflect the overall box-office. Currently, box office tracking has Black Panther doing between $80 and $85 million, although some think it has an outside shot at $100 million. Then again, the last time we saw this, a heavily hyped superhero movie rolling out in February, it was Deadpool, which racked up $132 million in a weekend on the way to $360 million in the U.S. alone. And Black Panther doesn’t have a ton of competition that weekend, with only Aardman’s caveman-soccer movie Early Man and the faith-based action movie Samson in theaters, and Fifty Shades Freed from the previous weekend. But no matter what, it appears Black Panther will open to packed theaters. Really it’s just a question of whether you’ll be able to get a seat.

(via Deadline)