How many articles of clothing is Johnny Depp Wearing?: ‘Lone Ranger’ publicity edition

Ah, Johnny Depp. I love him, but he tends to dress as if he’s a homeless man who’s had his shopping cart stolen by rival bum Shia LaBeouf, making it necessary that he wear every single thing he owns at all times. And it seems like this habit of extreme layering is only growing stronger by the day, perhaps as some sort of misguided commentary on global warming. Here’s a count of all the items of clothing Johnny wore (accessories included!) while doing press stuff for “The Lone Ranger.”

He went heavy on the three-piece stripes for the official premiere.

A surprise visit to promote the movie at CinemaCon in Las Vegas had Johnny in… wait, how many scarves?

Jewelry was the big Johnny accessory at the Russian premiere of “Lone Ranger.” That, and probably some vodka.

And boy howdy, did our Tonto go all out as a guest on Monday’s episode of “Jimmy Kimmel Live.”

(photos via AP)