Janelle Monae’s ‘Heroes’ clip turns misfits into superheroes: Watch

We can all be heroes of our own lives, according to Janelle Monae”s new video for “Heroes.”

As you recall, she remade the David Bowie classic for a Pepsi ad campaign in conjunction with this summer”s World Cup  (so it should come as no surprise that that video includes a soccer ball).

In the video, directed by the Young Astronauts, a number of junior high misfits are getting bullied by the usual suspects. They band together and discover a cache of comic books, with Monae as the superhero (she doesn”t appear in the clip otherwise). Taking a cue from the comics, they become super heroes and triumph over their bullies.

It”s sweet and well done, but doesn”t come close to packing the punch that  the usage of the original has in the tunnel scene in “The Perks of Being A Wallflower.”  However, any time a video tackles bullying and can make it easier for one kid who”s getting picked on, we have nothing but praise.