Jennifer Lawrence Has ‘Homeland’ Spoiled For Her On Live TV, Freaks Out

Spoilers happen. A lot. Whether from a co-worker, a friend, or a poorly concealed spoiler warning. It is only through meticulous active ignorance that fans unable to keep up a weekly schedule are able to enjoy their shows at their own pace while the rest of the world lobs plot grenades at them. But it’s not very often you get to watch the train wreck that is a spoiler happen in real time. But that was the tragedy captured by Access Hollywood during the SAG awards.

WARNING: Homeland spoilers after this point!

During her red carpet interview, Jennifer Lawrence was standing next to Damian Lewis of ‘Homeland’. Turns out JLaw is a bit of a Sgt. Brody fangirl and was quietly freaking out at his close proximity.

Sensing the potential for great television, the reporter introduced them. Things were going so cute until – as it happens so often – the reporters mistook a love of a show for the ability to watch it in a timely fashion and dropped a massive spoiler onto poor Jennifer.

H/T: The LAist

She handles it well, all things considered. We’ve all been where she is before. Standing in the wreckage of friendly-fire spoiler fallout.

You can see where it all begins to unravel in this GIF play-by-play.

The exact moment where it’s too late to take it back. The damage is done. Irrevocable.

See how the victim goes into a catatonic state as the brain feverishly scrambles to erase all memory of the last five seconds.

Followed by the perpetrator sensing their imminent demise.

While the victim poorly attempts to hide their distress and/or murderous rage.

Scenes like this play out across the world in secret every day. So remember, spoilers hurt everyone. Think before you fangirl.