Jennifer Lawrence skewers fellow Best Actress nominees on ‘Saturday Night Live’

Sundance has been dominating my attention this week so it’s been rather fortunate that there is a definitive lull in this year’s Oscar proceedings. Perhaps that’s one good thing to come of the Academy’s new schedule. It gives those of us covering the fest some room to breathe before diving back into all that.

So then I missed “Saturday Night Live” this weekend, which featured “Silver Linings Playbook” star Jennifer Lawrence as guest host the very weekend her stiffest competition for the Best Actress Oscar, Jessica Chastain, was ruling the box office roost. And for her opening monologue, the writers set her up with some fun joshing toward her fellow nominees.

My favorite barb had to be the one she threw Quvenzhané Wallis’s way. “The alphabet called. They want their letters back.” It was a cute little segment and everyone — well, except Emmanuelle Riva, oddly — got a nice bit of sincere appreciation from Lawrence throughout. Check out the clip below. We’ll be back on Oscar’s watch soon.