Jessica Chastain is single-handedly reviving Victorian gothic fashion in ‘Crimson Peak’

Break out your Evanescence CD and dust off your Hot Topic crushed velvet wardrobe, because Guillermo del Toro and Jessica Chastain are bringing Victorian gothic back with a vengeance in “Crimson Peak.”

TheFilmStage got a hold of this first image of Chastain as the mysterious Lady Lucille Sharpe. We don”t know anything about her character other than her sense of style is ON POINT.

Via: @TheFilmStage

Details are scarce on del Toro”s latest film. The plot synopsis comes up short, saying only that a young Edith Cushing (Mia Wasikowska) realizes her charming new husband (Tom Hiddleston) is not who he appears to be. Whether this means he”s a serial killer or a supernatural creature is up for debate.

“Crimson Peak” is currently set to hit theaters on October 16, 2015.