Marvel revealed the name of Riri Williams’ Ironman alter ego – She Said, She Said

She Said/She Said is a (usually) daily video featuring HitFix Harpy Donna Dickens and HitFix Weekend Editor Jill Pantozzi discussing current events in geek news.


Tony Stark is having a bad day. Or, he”s going to have a bad day at the end of Marvel”s Civil War II. Or maybe he”ll have a great day! One day so fantastic that he gives up the mantle of Iron Man and rides off into the sunset on a pegasus. Regardless of the circumstances, soon there will be a new Iron Man in town. Well, several Iron Men… okay look, this is confusing but you read comics, so you”re used to it.

One of the new folks stepping into an Iron Man suit is the 15-year-old genius, Riri Williams. After reverse-engineering one of Tony”s suits, she proved herself to be worthy of the title. But seeing as Riri is a teenage girl and not a dude, Marvel decided to christen her with a new name: Ironheart.

In the video above, HitFix Harpy”s Donna Dickens and Jill Pantozzi discuss the pros and cons of this new development. Unfortunately, our conversation was recorded prior to the realization that Ironheart is the name of an Iron Man XXX parody (Link SFW).