Matt Damon and Ben Affleck want to take you on a best-friend double date

At the ages of 25 and 27, respectively, fresh-faced Hollywood dreamboats Ben Affleck and Matt Damon took home dual Oscars for writing the screenplay to a little film called “Good Will Hunting,” and at that very moment a million double-date fantasies were born instantaneously all across the nation.

Now, your all those other people’s double-date fantasies could actually become a reality, as Ben and Matt/Matt and Ben are offering the once-in-a-lifetime chance to hang out with them at a fancy Tinseltown event in the exotic locale known as Hollywood, where dreams go to die are made a reality. All you have to do is pony up a measly $10 for the opportunity (that would be the equivalent of $100 in Bigshit Showbiz Dealmaker-Land), with the funds going to support a couple of great charities, the Eastern Congo Initiative (Ben) and (Matt).

Of course, the giving spirit of this philanthropic exercise appears to have been almost completely lost on the contentious duo, as the two are obviously far too wrapped up in their own petty jealousies and resentments to to put them aside even for the duration of a two-and-a-half-minute video. Although in Matt’s defense, “Gigli” is a punchline that never gets old.

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