New Amanda Conner ‘Avengers Assemble’ variant shines on Captain MarvelVariant

While Jim Quinones’ cover for “Avengers Assemble” #17 depicts a team in desperate need of help, Amanda Conner’s variant for the issue provides a more positive outlook for Captain Marvel and Earth’s Mightiest Heroes as the events of “The Enemy Within” continue to rock their world — literally –as the Marvel Universe hurtles headlong into the grasp of the Mad Titan Thanosin “Infinity.” “[There are] 8 million lives at risk, and Carol [Danvers] makes a great sacrifice,” writer Kelly Sue DeConnick recently told CBR News. “Both [‘Captain Marvel’ and ‘Avengers Assemble’] are tying into ‘Infinity,’ and I’m trying to do a thing that, if it works, will be awesome… It’s ambitious for the first time out of the gate on a tie-in, but how can you look at anything Jonathan Hickman does and not feel like you have to up your game?” Check out Conner’s variant cover below.