‘Outlander’ teases mid-season premiere with new faces and old (fabulous) cloaks

Oh sure, April is months from now. But that won”t stop Starz and “Outlander” from torturing us with a sneak peek at what lies ahead for Claire, Jamie, and the rest of the Scotland gang. Check it out and then meet me below for knee-jerk fangirl flailing!

• Hell yes, the return of the snowy coat that clearly looks better on Claire than it ever did on Letitia. Good call, Mrs. Fitz!

• We get to meet Jenny! Bonus points: she”s not a shell of person due to her trauma.

• Someone finally gave the women guns. About time!

• Claire warns Leery to back off, which based on my earlier suspicions, probably has more to do with the scorned love accusing the new wife of witchcraft and less to do with Jamie.

•  Geillis is ROCKING that black and white frock. She really has the best style.

• Interesting that they didn”t show any footage from the 1940s. Perhaps Starz wants to keep it EXTRA secret since (I hear) that perspective will be new to the book readers as well.

“Outlander” returns to Starz on April 4, 2015.