11 Greatest Reality Show Winners Ever

As we plow through more seasons of “Big Brother,” “So You Think You Can Dance,” and “The Bachelor” this summer, it's hard not to ask what the merits of winning a reality competition are. Do we applaud manipulative prowess? Sheer talent? Sheer watchability? Every show is different, but — with the exception of the last couple seasons of “SYTYCD” — one thing is certain: There can only be one winner. And fans usually bathe that winner in a glorious light for eternity.

Unless that winner is a drug-ring leader on “Big Brother” or a tax-evading weirdo on “Survivor,” of course. Then exceptions are made. 

We got to thinking about our favorite reality shows and the winners who made them great. After narrowing down the options and reducing reality TV to its most phenomenal victories and players, we came up with this Top 11.

Enjoy below, the 11 greatest reality show winners ever.